susie emailed me at 10am this morning with "i have officially done all my work for today. i am bored. please keep me occupied."
being the great roommate that i am, i happily complied. i replied to her:
i will give you $100 if you can guess what song i have stuck in my she emailed back and said:
oh wow. can i ask questions? each question knocks it down $20?
assuming you agree;
first stab at the song: wonderwall by oasis.
no? ok, first question: what genre of music?we came to an understanding that she could ask yes/no questions and the pot would diminish by $10 for each question/guess. i've typed up her questions/guesses - read line by line and see if you can guess the song before susie did.
1. wonderwall by oasis
no, sorry. but good guess - i've heard this song a bunch this week.2. is it by a group or a solo artist?
solo artist3. guess: josh kelley - "small town boy"
wrong, but great song!4. is it a guy?
yes.5. guess: stevie - superstition
nope. 6. is he above the age of 40?
yes.7. is this over-40 male solo artist white?
no.8. are this guy or any of his family members frequently in the news?
no. sus, where are you going with this?9. BLAST. there goes that idea.
ok. wow. now i am stumped.
ok i lied. one more question.
is this song within the past say, 15 years?
yes, it's from within the last 15 years.then, susie did a little recap for herself: solo artist, male, over 40, black, not in the news (nor are his family members), song is within past 15 years.
here's her "last" guess:
10. ok well i was thinking lionel richie. but then no family in the news.
same goes for michael jackson.
stevie wonder? that is my last guess.
OHHHHHHHHHH wait. scratch stevie wonder.
wow, great guess. but it's wrong. i told susie she could keep guessing until she got it. not for any money prize anymore though. and i asked her if she wanted any clues. she said no, not yet.
11. is it a rock song?
no.12. ok is this a rap/hip-hop/r&b song?
no.13. is it a pop song?
no. well maybe kind of pop i guess.14. does this guy have other famous songs or is he a one hit wonder?
one hit wonder.15. did this song come out after 2000?
no.16. wowwwwwwwww. ok.
is this guy from america?
17. is he tall?
18. does he have facial hair?
haha. i totally have her stumped!no. don't know. don't know.but, i don't recommend trying to guess the artist. try to focus on the song.then susie decided it was time to disregard the yes/no rule.
19. if it were on the radio what station would it be played on?
the devil station (aka 99.5).20. did this song come out when we were in high school?
it was officially released in 1993 (thanks wikipedia). but we definitely would have listened to it during middle school/high school.i then told her that she would definitely know this song. and if she didn't i would no longer be friends with her. (or you either!)
and then she asked for (another) hint.
hint: think ultimate dance party
21. i was on that track...i was thinking ub40. but that's a group, right?
yeah, sorry sus. that's a group.(2:53) sus: man. ok let me think about it for a while.
(2:54) me: ok. i have another hint when you want it.
(2:58) sus: i would like it now please
hint: night at the roxbury
and then she got it.
did you?