Monday, September 29, 2008

austin was great!

much more to come when i have a few minutes to spare.

in the meantime...happy new year!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

fall is here!

yesterday was the first day of fall (crazy, huh?). even though i love the summer, i always get excited about the changing of seasons (reason #42 why i could not live in the real south). i get most excited because it means i basically have a whole new wardrobe to choose from - because let's be honest, i'm totally sick of all of my summer clothes.

also fall means there are lots of other fun things to look forward to:
  • new tv - after the writer's strike last year it looks like we have a full season of tv to look forward to. although i'm already slightly overwhelmed with the number of shows we are dvr-ing.
  • apple picking - and cider, cider donuts and all the baking/cooking!
  • football - not too excited about the hoos this year, but maybe the skins will finally pull it together this year?
  • election day - and this year virginia is in contention!
  • pumpkin ale - i already had some at chef geoff's last week. and dogfish has their punkin ale on tap already. who wants to go?
  • thanksgiving - i hate holidays (minus the fact that you get off work), but i can certainly handle all of the eating that goes along with thanksgiving.

Monday, September 22, 2008


friday night we headed up to the source theater for some improv. the show was potus among us and for those of you who don't know potus stands for president of the united states. it was basically an hour long improv about the political campaigning process.

when we got to the theater we were asked to come up with some issues we'd like to see the "candidates" run on. let me tell you - it's hard to think of funny stuff on the spot, which makes me respect the actors even more.

so the premise is the five candidates run on randomly selected issues (all of the audience member's issues were put into an uncle sam hat). the candidates glanced at their issues and then did a quick monologue on what they were running on and why you should vote for them. from there we voted on two candidates (votes = claps) and the rest of the play was made up of little improv segments on the campaign process. our two candidates were running on platforms of reducing gaps between parallel parked cars (vp pick = platform of eliminating traffic circles) and eating more organic food (vp pick = oprah). needless to say it was hilarious. the last shows are this friday and saturday - i highly recommend it to everyone!

and the night was made even better by the fact that i had picked up a box of cupcakes from hello cupcake on my trek through the city on friday afternoon. final verdict - good, but not as good as baked and wired. and believe what you've heard about those peanut butter ones - i don't even like peanut butter and i thought the icing was good. also, lesson learned - cupcakes are a great conversation starter.

austin city limits

less than a week until we head down to austin, tx for city limits! clearly i can't wait. and we've been busy compiling lists of things to do while we're down there (if you have any suggestions, let me know!). but the one thing i know for sure is the music is going to be awesome. lots of bands i don't want to miss: vampire weekend, nerd, sharon jones, foo fighters, gnarls barkley,, okkervil river, jenny lewis, drive by truckers, del, tristan prettyman.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

last night at oak marr

the playlist last night for the old lady's water aerobics class (in no particular order):
  • your body is a wonderland (oh, really?)
  • woman by maroon 5
  • under pressure (or was it ice ice baby? indoor pools are not known for great acoustics)
  • kiss from a rose (i really don't get this one - do they think if they listen to seal they'll look like heidi klum?)
  • some sort of country song that i obviously didn't recognize
i'm thinking this class could use some more upbeat music. although some of those water aerobics classes w/ techno remixes of random songs are pretty awful too. i guess you can't win.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

things that annoy me - part VIII

it's been a while since an annoyance post...

44. people who don't use blinkers.
this is just plain unsafe. and i hate when people use the excuse, "well, there's no one behind me." don't you know it's just as important to use your blinkers for the people driving the other way?!

45. people who spell my name wrong.
ok, i realize that a lot of people spell rachel with an a. that's fine, and i don't really mind if i get a rachael once in a while. what really bugs me is when i send someone an email and in their response they call me rachael. my name is correctly spelled in no less than three places (my email address, my signature and i usually also type out my name). are people really that lazy?!

46. walking and reading.
i see people doing this all the time. i just don't get it - is your book that good that you can't wait until you can sit and read it? i mean seriously people - it's kind of dangerous to walk and read.

47. rolling briefcases.
are these really necessary? i mean if you can't carry a bag i think you have a pretty big problem. and in my eyes they just cause a lot more commotion at the metro stations.

48. arlington police.
now that we've moved we're living right by the arlington county police department. it's great - there are cops everywhere and i feel so safe! the problem is that they park all the cop cars in the street and leave them all on. why on earth do they need to leave the motors running?

Monday, September 8, 2008

overheard on the metro

on the metro somewhere between courthouse and metro center...

little girl: mom, how many people do you think are on this bus?
mom: you mean the whole train? definitely more people than in our town.

how much do you want to bet that this family would be one to stand on the left? gotta love tourists early in the morning!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

quote of the weekend

at the warner theater saturday night for the lombardi doo wop concert for cancer...

an old guy in one of the doo wop groups: ok, next we're going to do a song by the king. most of you know him as elvis. our kids know him as michael jackson's father in law.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

61 days until election day!

wow, these next two months are sure going to be a doozy.

1. so obama is getting pounded on his apparent lack of experience. ok, i'll bite. do we really want our next president to have the experience of the past eight years? i certainly don't. obama offers a new, fresh change to washington - a change i think we need.
2. i get that sarah palin is a hockey mom (and for those of you who were wondering a hockey mom is alaska's equivalent to a soccer mom - it's just too cold up there to play soccer). but i don't think the republican party can blast the press for digging up dirt on her family when she is clearly running as a working mother with her family in the forefront. sorry, but you can't have the good without the bad.
3. i never realized being a p.o.w. was a requirement for being president. every speech at the rnc this week (yes, i've been watching it) has highlighted john mccain's experiences in hanoi as being crucial in his bid for the presidency. i understand, and respect, that he made a sacrifice for this country. but last time i checked obama didn't grow up when the us was actively involved in a major war like vietnam - should be be penalized for that?
4. have you noticed that there are only white people (in cowboy hats, to boot) at the rnc? the republican's theme of the election is "america first." well, color me confused - i'm pretty sure whites only constitute 75% of the american population. so did they mean to say "white america first?" what about the other 25%?
5. and just for fun - let's hope tina fey is slated to make some appearances on snl this fall - she's a dead ringer for palin.

and for those (most?) of you who aren't really into politics, there are still some fun ways you can get into the election spirit. buzz in alexandria has elephant ears and donkey tails for sale and will keep a running tally up to election day. if pastries aren't really your thing you can head over to baskin robbins and choose from their two new flavors - straight talk crunch or whirl of change. and i'm sure some bars will be getting in on the action just like they did in the primary season (i'm sensing lots of blue and red drinks this fall).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

so long summer

i've been hearing from more than a few people that they're upset i haven't been posting too frequently lately. mainly i've just been lazy, sorry. also, i've been a bit busy this summer...

well, i've certainly eatenmy share of burgers this summer. ray's is the best piece of meat, but i think central still wins top overall burger in my book. and burgers aren't the only thing i've been eating, but the list of restaurants i've been to this summer would seriously bore you.

back in june i headed out west (to south dakota!) to be the maid of honor in emily's wedding. it was a whirlwind (long)weekend where we tried to fit in everything rapid city has to offer. some of the highlights: mount rushmore, taking my picture w/ tj, the presidential parade (scratch that - it was a big bust), three dollar giant beers, and of course the wedding!

and my absolute favorite part of the summer - outdoor concerts! i made it out to wolftrap three times this summer. once in the rain (well, really it was more like a monsoon), but the other two were on absolutely gorgeous nights. sadly it'll be the last summer we can see h&tbf since hootie (aka darius rucker) has left the band to do this.

and it's a leap year, which means olympics and elections - two of my favorite things! the opening ceremony back on 08.08.08 was simply genius. the communist chinese work ethic really showed in the perfectly executed drum sequences. but more amazing than the opening ceremonies were the athletes themselves. phelps, bolt, may & walsh, johnson, liukin, among others. and bob costas didn't even get on my nerves as much as he ususally does. although nbc's obvious pro-american (and pro-phelps) slant was pretty awful.

and what do i have to look forward to? well, i just moved into a brand new apartment and now i have a nice, quick commute! at the end of the month i'm headed to austin, tx (finally!) for austin city limits. [if anyone has suggestions of what to do in austin please let me know!] and of course, the best place to go in the fall - charlottesville!