Tuesday, September 23, 2008

fall is here!

yesterday was the first day of fall (crazy, huh?). even though i love the summer, i always get excited about the changing of seasons (reason #42 why i could not live in the real south). i get most excited because it means i basically have a whole new wardrobe to choose from - because let's be honest, i'm totally sick of all of my summer clothes.

also fall means there are lots of other fun things to look forward to:
  • new tv - after the writer's strike last year it looks like we have a full season of tv to look forward to. although i'm already slightly overwhelmed with the number of shows we are dvr-ing.
  • apple picking - and cider, cider donuts and all the baking/cooking!
  • football - not too excited about the hoos this year, but maybe the skins will finally pull it together this year?
  • election day - and this year virginia is in contention!
  • pumpkin ale - i already had some at chef geoff's last week. and dogfish has their punkin ale on tap already. who wants to go?
  • thanksgiving - i hate holidays (minus the fact that you get off work), but i can certainly handle all of the eating that goes along with thanksgiving.

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