Monday, September 22, 2008


friday night we headed up to the source theater for some improv. the show was potus among us and for those of you who don't know potus stands for president of the united states. it was basically an hour long improv about the political campaigning process.

when we got to the theater we were asked to come up with some issues we'd like to see the "candidates" run on. let me tell you - it's hard to think of funny stuff on the spot, which makes me respect the actors even more.

so the premise is the five candidates run on randomly selected issues (all of the audience member's issues were put into an uncle sam hat). the candidates glanced at their issues and then did a quick monologue on what they were running on and why you should vote for them. from there we voted on two candidates (votes = claps) and the rest of the play was made up of little improv segments on the campaign process. our two candidates were running on platforms of reducing gaps between parallel parked cars (vp pick = platform of eliminating traffic circles) and eating more organic food (vp pick = oprah). needless to say it was hilarious. the last shows are this friday and saturday - i highly recommend it to everyone!

and the night was made even better by the fact that i had picked up a box of cupcakes from hello cupcake on my trek through the city on friday afternoon. final verdict - good, but not as good as baked and wired. and believe what you've heard about those peanut butter ones - i don't even like peanut butter and i thought the icing was good. also, lesson learned - cupcakes are a great conversation starter.

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