Tuesday, October 16, 2007

top five posters

here are my favorites from over the years. what have you seen??

1. maryland basketball: it's a riot.
seen at u-hall for a maryland v. uva basketball game way back in 2002. i previously posted the picture i snapped of it here.

2. virginia is for lovers: that's why we score more.
spotted at the wake forest basketball game last january. and then randomly last week at swim practice my swim coach (a former uva swimmer) was wearing a shirt with the same slogan. i'm going to need to get my hands on one of those.

3. we must protect this buffet.
a classic take on the under armor ads. this one a direct shot and the fridge (aka maryland coach ralph friedgen). this one was seen at the maryland v. uva football game up in college park third year).

4. steve blake: toss my salad.
some guy in my dorm first year made this sign and somehow held it up the whole game (basketball against maryland first year) without getting in trouble. since then the rules have tightened up just a bit.

5. sportscenter is next: unless duke needs more time.
now usually i hate the sportscenter is next signs, but this one was just classic. just a few weeks after the infamous duke/clemson game this sign just made me laugh. and what made it even better? we beat duke. and i was there!
(note: the above link has been changed since some people took offense that it had previously linked to a carolina site.)

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