Tuesday, March 20, 2007

things that annoy me - part V

if you thought i was done w/ this then you clearly don't know me that well.

27. "the u".
you know, when they're announcing the starting line up and the nfl players say their name and their college? and all those cocky canes insist on saying "the u" instead of university of miami. and it figures that miami has the most ex-players in the nfl.

28. not a sermon, just a thought.
you know you've heard it. the mclean bible church guy trying to convert you on the radio. but actually it's so annoying that it's starting to grow on me. i might just start using it in regular conversation. watch out.

29. t-9.
i'm sorry, but i don't think t-9 makes texting any easier. i'll just stick to my texting ways and continue to be made fun of. it's ok, i can handle it.

30. metro pole leaners.
people - the poles on the metro are there so many people can grab hold. if you are leaning all up against the pole then no one else can hold on. think about it.

31. tourists.
it's about that time again. brace yourself. followed a bunch of tour busses into the city this morning and immediately came to the conclusion that they should not be allowed on the road during rush hour. and i just can't wait until they're full force on the metro early in the morning. honestly, who goes on vacation only to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to go to museums? sounds like a pretty lousy vacation to me.

32. vonage.
man is that little jingle annoying or what?? and i'll tell you what - it is NOT making me want to sign up with vonage. sorry if i got the "song" stuck in your head. honestly, i'm sorry.

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