Thursday, May 17, 2007

the nats are winning!

today was off to such a bad start. first my dress broke and i had to sew it. and, no i'm not a good sewer. but so far my dress has stayed on, so i must have done something right. [also, note to self: never wear a wrap dress when it's windy out.] then i had to wait 7 minutes for the metro (really?) and then i got stuck sitting next to a very large man in a seat with no arm rest. basically i had to use all my strength to stay in the seat. yes, i could have just stood up, but then i would have had no chance to read the paper.

but, hey the sun is shining and i have lots to get excited about:
- phillips has breakfast! who knew?
- dinner tonight at central.
- the nats are on a 4-1 run here at rfk.
- my office is shutting down tomorrow at 3pm so they can improve our server. too bad the weather's not looking so nice - i was so ready to head down to the waterfront!

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